El Mason
In recognition of the people who cross our southern border to do the hard manual labor.
Acrylic, Crackle Paste and Pumice Gel on canvas 20 x 24 2017
update: I am very pleased to note here that this painting has been accepted for exhibition in the Visual Arts Alliance 35th Juried Open Exhibition to be held March 7th thru April 28th, 2018 at the BLUEorange Gallery, 1208 West Grey, Houston Tx. The Juror is Molly Glentzer, Senior Writer and Crtic, Arts & Culture for the Houston Chronicle.
This painting was sprung from a life drawing I did in 2016 with a model in studio. The model was a young mother of 4 children and 8 months pregnant.
A year later I was inspired to pull the drawing out of the "flat file" and do as an oil on canvas. I call it Motherhood and I think it speaks to the power of woman to perpetuate the human race and continue to nourish and give life from their bodies to their new borns.
oil on canvas 22 x 28 2017
Eleven the heroin from the TV series Stranger Things.
This was done at the beginning of the the second season of the Netflix series Stranger Things. It was done as a whim and for fun though I am a fan of the show.
oil on canvas 18 x 24 2017 Sold

Phoenix downtown
This was a model, Phoenix, in the figure drawing studio ,taking a break between poses and checking her phone. I quick sketcher her, took a photo and then compositionally, put her in another setting which took a field trip to downtown Houston, to find.
oil on canvas 22 x 28 2018

Two donkeys from the Partin Ranch
Oil on canvas 22 x 28 2018

Study of facial features on the human skull.
18 x 24. Charcoal and oil on paper. 2018.